Friday 9 March 2018


When does a hobby become an obsession?
Possibly when you start to take your secret crochet project down the pub but still refuse to tell people what you're making......
...or when you are inspired to have a clothes clear out so you can start making t-shirt yarn.....
...or when you look back over the last month and realise just how many days you decided 'oh it's much too miserable to go out/ garden/ do housework; I'll just stoke the fire up and do some crochet/ quilting'.

1 comment:

  1. Apologies if you get this twice, Google is having one of it's "I don't like your iPad" evenings ...

    Now, this obsessed thing ... dreadful word, I much prefer "dedicated" Has much more style about it {ha ha ha ha).

    With tongue firmly in cheek, may I direct you to:
